userskills like '%restaurant manager%' or userskills like '%revenue generation%' or userskills like '%cost conciousness%' or userskills like '%team leading capabilities%' or userskills like '%guest relation%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%restaurant manager%' or userskills like '%revenue generation%' or userskills like '%cost conciousness%' or userskills like '%team leading capabilities%' or userskills like '%guest relation%') and profile_id<113928 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Restaurant Manager working for Princess Cruises Line

I consider the perfect candidate, because I have knowledge, I am a fast lerner, team leader,
Serial No: 113928
Skills keywords: cost conciousness, guest relation, restaurant manager, revenue generation, team leading capabilities
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

I am qualified Manager in Food & Beverage Operation Worked 15 Years \r\nfor Princess Cruise Line

Interests & Hobbies:

Music, book, photography, Travel, internationl art & kraf

Previous Employment Details:

My last job Restaurant Manager Princess Cruise\r\n6 months on board\r\n2 months at home\r\nwage USD 6.800 x 6 months

Current location:  Lazio, Italy - View on map
Nationality: Italian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Hotel and Catering, General Management
Spoken languages: english, italian, spanish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
