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Skills Provision Reviews

nigin prajith r

1 review

Initially, I assumed that Skills Provision would be no different from other job consultants. Contrary to my assumption, I quickly received a response from Francesca and Chris, who were exceptionally helpful in providing guidance on how to enhance my video and overall candidate profile to connect with the right employer.

I highly recommend Skills Provision, not only due to their extensive experience but also for the following key reasons. First, they take a personal approach, understanding each candidate's strengths and weaknesses and offering advice on the ideal opportunities. Second, their interactive initial video screening and consistently prompt responses are impressive. Lastly, they act as a bridge between you and your dream employer abroad.

Thanks to Skills Provision, I secured a great job in the UK that aligns with my work experience. I encourage everyone to pursue their dream job abroad with their assistance.

Chirag Sarang

7 review

While job hunting, I came across Skills provision where I found a perfect job role for my career growth. I am grateful to Francesca and Skills Provision team for all support. During the recruitment process, Francesca had been very cooperative and she was in touch until my joining to make sure everything goes smooth. I would like to really appreciate them for helping me secure a job in UK as an international candidate. Big thanks to Francesca and Chris.

Andrew Lechuga

1 review

Skills Provision, Chris and Francesca Slay, and the entire team helped us immensely, during unprecedented times, by delivering outstanding candidates to consider. Most importantly we can say that Skills Provision helped us find the perfect candidate at the perfect time. The team exceeded our expectations and helped us stay focused on growing our business and team at the same time in a high quality manner. They have a customer for the lifetime of our company! We appricate the support!
