userskills like '%conflict resolution%' or userskills like '%restaurant manager%' or userskills like '%operation management%' or userskills like '%staff management%' or userskills like '%marketing and advertising%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%conflict resolution%' or userskills like '%restaurant manager%' or userskills like '%operation management%' or userskills like '%staff management%' or userskills like '%marketing and advertising%') and profile_id<114314 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Seeking a job as a Restaurant Manager

I always had a passion for the hospitality industry and the role of a Restaurant Manager for your company is natural progression for me. Before applying for this position I was careful to make sure I had a necessary Experience, skills and attributes to be able to perform the job to a very high standard.
I understand that the role of a Restaurant Manager comes with great responsibility and I am confident I will not only be able to deliver excellent customer service to all of your customers and diners, but also ensure those staff whom are under my control.
Serial No: 114314
Skills keywords: conflict resolution, marketing and advertising, operation management, restaurant manager, staff management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Hello sir,\r\n I am working for hospitality industry from last 12 years. I have Diploma in Business management Specialization in Hotel Management and I have 7 specific skills & capabilities which will fullfill your job requirements.\r\nThese are: Strong Customer service and Interpersonal skills, a firm and fair style of management, an ability to work hard under pressure and remain calm in difficult situation, an understanding that the customer is always right and also a passion for ensuring every customer who enters into your Restaurant received only the best levels of Service & quality of food. I am also someone who will always adhere to the relevant rules and regulations that surround the hospitality industry and finally I am someone who will go out to make sure you receives beat possible Services on Trip advisor to ensure your customers not only return to eat time and time again but also share their possitive Experiences with their friends and relatives too.

Interests & Hobbies:

I have very few interest and hobbies. These are : I like to cook verious kind of food, internet serfing, watching inspirational spitches & videos, helping others, outdoor sports and indoor sports, swimming, etc\r\n\r\nIn hobbies I have only 2 & these are, painting, Collect Old currency coins,

Previous Employment Details:

RestaurantManager- Yellow Banana Food Company- From OCTOBER 2019- Present\r\nSr. F & B Supervisor- Yogi Hotels - From NOVEMBER 2018- SEPTEMBER 2019\r\nCatering supervisor/Camp Boss- AA Group of Catering And Trading companies, Oman- FROM July 2012 - July 2018

Current location:  Maharashtra, India - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Hotel and Catering, General Management, HR and Recruitment
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, Hindi
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
