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Retail Sales Supervisor Seeking Work in United Kingdom

Serial No: 63530
Skills keywords: cashier, floor supervisor, retail sales supervisor
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

EDUCATION DETAILS:-\r\n Field of study during college age: \r\nJune 2011 - May 2013.\r\nM B A. 1st Class at Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.\r\nMBA details as follows\r\nSUBJECTS STUDIED IN MBA\r\nMBA – FIRST YEAR\r\n1st year 2011 – 2012 – Month of Exam – Aug, 2012.\r\nName of the Course Mark Secured\r\nMAJOR 11 FINANCE MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 55\r\nMAJOR 1V HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ANDORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 63\r\nMAJOR 111 MARKETING MANAGEMENT AND MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 58\r\nMAJOR V APPLIED OPERATIONS RESEARCH FOR MANAGEMENT 64\r\nMAJOR 1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 55\r\nMAJOR V1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 69\r\nTotal Marks 364\r\nPERCENTAGE 61\r\nMBA – SECOND YEAR\r\n2nd year 2012 – 2013 – Month of Exam – Sept, 2013.Passed out Sept, 2013.\r\nName of the Course Mark Secured\r\nMAJOR 1X INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 72\r\nMAJOR X SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 68\r\nMAJOR V111 LABOUR WELFARE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 60\r\nMAJOR V11 BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 58\r\nMAJOR X1 SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT 69\r\nProject 79\r\nTotal Marks 406\r\nPERCENTAGE 68, Overall class FIRST CLASS\r\n\r\nJuly 2002 - April 2005, Completed in April 2007\r\nB.Sc ( Electronics). 2nd Class, Manonmaniam Sundaranar, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.\r\nB.Sc. (ELECTRONICS) Details of Subject Code, YEAR 2002-2005\r\nSemester Subject Code Title Name\r\nPart 1 Language 1 NL11 Paper 1-Cheyyul, Urainadai, Sirukadhai, Iiakkia Varalaru and Ilakkanam\r\n11 NL12 Paper 1-Cheyyul, Urainadai, Puthinam, Iiakkia Varalaru and Ilakkanam\r\nPart 11 English 1 N21L Paper 1- Prose, Fiction and Language Study\r\n11 N22L Paper 11- Prose, Drama and Language Study\r\nSemester 1 N11W Paper 1-Electronic Devices\r\nN12W Paper 11- Degital Electronics\r\n11 N23W Electric Circuits\r\nN24W Circuit Theory\r\nNR1W Along & Digital\r\n111 N31W Paper V-Linear Integrated Circuits\r\nN32W Paper V1-Electronic measurements and instrumentation\r\nN33W Paper V11-Communication System\r\n1V N41W Paper V111-Degital Computer Architecture\r\nN42W Paper 1X-Television Engineering\r\nN43W Paper X-Bio-Medical Instrumentation\r\nNR2W Practical 11- (OP amp & Communication lab)\r\nV N51W Computer Programming C++\r\nN52W Microprocessors\r\nNEAW Power Electronics\r\nNEDW Electromagnetic Field Theory\r\nV1 N61W Paper XV1-Applied Electronics\r\nN62W Paper XV11-Microprocessor Interfacing\r\nN6PW Project Work\r\nNFEW Microcontroller\r\nV1 NEHW Computer Communication\r\nNR3W Practical – 111 – Microprocessor Laboratory\r\nNR4W Practical -1V – Computer Laboratory C++\r\nEMAA1 Paper -1- Calculus Theory of Equations\r\nEMAA2 Paper -11 -Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry\r\nEMAA3 Paper -111- Modern algebra and Statistics\r\nEMAA4 Paper -1V- Differential Equations and Numerical Methods\r\nECSA1 Paper -1 – introduction to Computes\r\nECSA2 Paper – 11 – Office Automation\r\nECSA3 Paper -111- Programming in ‘C’\r\nECSA4 Paper -1V- Introduction to Web Design with HTML\r\nECSAP Group ‘A’ Office Automation & ‘C’ Language\r\nNFW4 Field work\r\nNGA6 General Awareness\r\nNSV6 Social Value Education\r\nApril 2000 - March 2002\r\nHigher Secondary Course Certificate at Scott Christian Higher Secondary School, Nagercoil. Board of Higher Secondary Examination, \r\nTamilnadu, India\r\nSubjects / Marks\r\nTamil 119\r\nEnglish 97\r\nPhysics 90\r\nChemistry 83\r\nComputer Science 103\r\nMathematics 73\r\nTotal 712 / 1200. 59%\r\nApril 1990 - March 2000.\r\nSecondary School Leaving Certificate. at SLB Higher Secondary School, Nagercoil. Board of Secondary Education, Tamilnadu, India.\r\nSubjects / Marks\r\nEnglish 64\r\nTamil 68\r\nMathematics 80\r\nScience 59\r\nSocial Science 87\r\nTotal 358 / 500. 72%\r\nCertifications:-\r\nTally Graduate Course in Tally. ERP 9\r\n\r\nCertificate in Advanced Computer Trouble shooting.\r\n\r\nIELTS \r\nListening-5.5,Reading-4.5,Writing-5.5,Speaking-6.0.\r\nOverall Band Score-5.5.= CLB-5.\r\nTest Taken on 20 Feb 2016.Certificate issued on 04 March 2016\r\nBy British council U K\r\n\r\nJobStreet English Language Assessment (JELA),Singapore\r\nDate Taken 30 Dec 2016\r\nScore: 34/40 (85%)\r\n\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

RETAIL SALES SUPERVISOR / MANAGER \r\nVARSHA SUPER MARKET, Nagercoil, TamilNadu,India \r\nFebruary 2015 – Present\r\nMy JOB OVERVIEW\r\nPlans, directs and coordinates the store operation by formulating policies, managing daily operations and planning the use of materials and human resources to achieve marketing goals.\r\n\r\nComputer Programmer, SMART ACCESS COMPUTERS, AbuDhabi, UAE.\r\nOctober 2014 - January 2015 \r\n• Conduct trial runs of programs and software applications to be sure they will produce the desired information and that the instructions are correct. \r\n• Perform or direct revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements.\r\n• Consult with and assist computer operators or system analysts to define and resolve problems in running computer programs.\r\n• Assign, coordinate, and review work and activities of programming personnel. \r\n• Collaborate with computer users to develop new programming methods and train subordinates in programming. \r\n• The latest testing equipments are used to ensure that the services provided are at par with the global standards. \r\n• These services are beneficial for my clients to a huge extent. \r\n• Coordination of the outsourcing companies working for educational workshops, exhibitions and multimedia installations, conferences receptions, etc.)\r\n\r\nHR Manager, VARSHA ELECTRICALS, Nagercoil, TamilNadu, India \r\nJANUARY 2013 – OCT 2014\r\n• Human Resources, specifically recruiting, hiring, training and development, performance management, payroll, and workplace scheduling. Coordination and management of the Front of the staff team and services.\r\n• Oversight and execution of all Electronics specifications and the launch of the Electronics programme.\r\n• Supervision of the project’s development in close cooperation with the District electricity office.\r\n• Planning, definition of requisite profiles for the Production and Technical areas, including team responsible for the provision of wiring,fusing, swiching etc.,\r\n• Design of future operational strategy for the uses of activities in the building Production planning of, and budgeting for, the season’s performances in close association with the Head of Electrical and Electronics Planning. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

Current location:  49A/5, New No.54,Mohamed Nager(Perumalkulam Street), Edalakudy, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, Pin – 629002 - View on map
Nationality: India
Preferred Sector of Employment:  , HR and Recruitment, General Management
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
