userskills like '%retail sales supervisor%' or userskills like '%graphic design%' or userskills like '%carpenters%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%retail sales supervisor%' or userskills like '%graphic design%' or userskills like '%carpenters%') and profile_id<116995 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Ambitious Assistant Sales Manager

My ambition is great, which was the reason for the enlargement of my ambitions to run companies that flounder with each other and to operate patronage.
Serial No: 116995
Skills keywords: carpenters, graphic design, retail sales supervisor
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

In the peginning a sales man, and with the passage of time, found in my personality the strength and management whether the strength of character or time management and dealing in agood manner with customers, employees and colleagues in the administration. My responsibilities depended on what I watched in the market’s, so I write reports and submit them to management and then determine the appropriate offers and competition in the market’s and train delegates sales in a manner commensurate with the offers and put them in the market after talking approval from the administration and then following up the sales request in terms of their availability in our warehouses and following up on customer’s requests from complaints or the like and dealing with them with caution and working to solve these problems without losing any customer to the company keeping up with the market and developing the skills of our employees in commensurate with the market competition and take the appropriate share for us.

Interests & Hobbies:

Success,success and success

Previous Employment Details:

2014: furniture exhibition manager\r\n2016: account manager for electrical appliances company\r\n2017-2019 : director of electrical appliances showrooms

Current location:  Amman Governorate, Jordan - View on map
Nationality: Jordanian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Sales, Retail Wholesale and Purchasing, customer service
Spoken languages: Arabic, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
