userskills like '%unity developer%' or userskills like '%c# developer%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%unity developer%' or userskills like '%c# developer%') and profile_id<120275 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Unity Developer seeks international employment

I am very passionate about Unity engine and always looking for ways to up my skill set. I am quite a versatile developer who worked with mobile and PC platforms, and participated in almost all aspects of app development: UI, controls, core features, graphics, shaders, effects, server-client. I have a proven track record of shipped AR apps for iOS / Android and participated in a full development cycle from prototyping / R&D to release. I would be glad to make your team stronger with my skills and expertise.
Serial No: 120275
Skills keywords: c# developer, unity developer
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Unity, C#, HLSL, GLSL, Compute shaders, UniRx, Zenject, DoTween, Blender, Git

Interests & Hobbies:

Avantgarde literature, nonfiction books (philosophy, physics, math), shader programming, modeling, bicycle, snowboaring, yoga

Previous Employment Details:

1. Phygitalism\r\nAR / VR development. AR app for art gallery, 3d scanning application with realtime mesh construction, real estate data vizualization \r\n2. Hazerim Interactive entertainment.\r\nTactical strategy, A* pathfinding, enemy\'s AI and routes, motherbase management, combat logic.\r\n3. Self-employed\r\nSelf-learning, algorithms, shaders, graphics pipeline, math, Unity.

Current location:  Moscow, Russia - View on map
Nationality: Russian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, media and design
Spoken languages: english, french, russian
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
