userskills like '%technical engineering manager%' or userskills like '%senior structural engineer%' or userskills like '%technical manager%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%technical engineering manager%' or userskills like '%senior structural engineer%' or userskills like '%technical manager%') and profile_id<112335 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Technical Engineering Manager

I have 17 years experience in construction of mega projects worked with big construction companies like:
- SAMSUNG C&T Corporation as an Engineering technical Manager.
- POSCO E&C as a Technical / Structural Manager.
- LIGHTON Construction.
- LATIFIA Contracting Company.
Currently, I\'m working with SAMSUNG C&T Corporation.
Serial No: 112335
Skills keywords: senior structural engineer, technical engineering manager, technical manager
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Structural Engineering\r\nHigh-rise Buildings Construction & Design.\r\nSteel Structural Construction & Design\r\nSoil Improvement & Foundation Alternatives.\r\nProject Quality & Cost Control\r\nCoordination & Subcontractors Control.\r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Find a Suitable Job for long term in a good construction or engineering company.

Previous Employment Details:

1. SAMSUNG C&T Corporation: Technical Engineering Manager for Tadawul Tower (42 Floors + 5 basement {1.9 Billion}).\r\n\r\n2. POSCO E&C Company : Technical / Structural Manager.\r\n\r\n3. AL-Latifia Contracting Company: Senior Technical Engineer\r\n

Current location:  Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia - View on map
Nationality: Jordan
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Construction, Engineering
Spoken languages: Arabic English
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
