userskills like '%retail operations%' or userskills like '%customer services%' or userskills like '%french speaker%' or userskills like '%fashion%' or userskills like '%store manager%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%retail operations%' or userskills like '%customer services%' or userskills like '%french speaker%' or userskills like '%fashion%' or userskills like '%store manager%') and profile_id<116839 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Store Manager with over 12 years of experience in UAE

I am Store manager with over 12 years of experience providing leadership skill ,managing over 60 staff members in large department stores and driving the achievement of retail business, I posses strong multi-tasking skills with the ability to manage several projects and schedule . excellent public facing point person for clients ,customers , vendors and merchandisers. tech savvy efficiency focused ,sales forecast and ability to achieve the target and KPIs.
Serial No: 116839
Skills keywords: customer services, fashion, french speaker, retail operations, store manager
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Retail Management\r\nLeadership\r\nOrganization Skills\r\nEmployee Management\r\nCustomer Management \r\nMarketing & Promotion\r\nTeam Leader \r\nVisual Merchandising

Interests & Hobbies:

Football\r\nTechnical Dental\r\nLanguages\r\nTraveling

Previous Employment Details:

Multi-Store Manager \r\nGulf Marketing Group\r\nMay 2018- Sep 2020\r\n\r\nStore Manager\r\nMarka holding\r\nNov 2015- Nov 2017\r\n\r\nStore Manager\r\nDubai World / Retail Corp\r\nAug 2008 - Apr 2015\r\n\r\nStore Manager \r\nAl Shaya Group\r\nMay 2005- Aug 2008

Current location:  دبي, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: ALGERIAN
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Retail Wholesale and Purchasing, customer service, Sales
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
