userskills like '%data modelling%' or userskills like '%business strategy%' or userskills like '%requirments gathering%' or userskills like '%data visualisation consultant%' or userskills like '%r programming%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%data modelling%' or userskills like '%business strategy%' or userskills like '%requirments gathering%' or userskills like '%data visualisation consultant%' or userskills like '%r programming%') and profile_id<115030 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Senior BI Analyst seeking work in Gulf region

It\'s about being ready to deliver business information that our organisation needs to compete and achieve it\'s strategic goals around customer satisfaction, growth, retention and financial strength.

I\'m a prodigious Senior BI Analyst with over 12 years providing employers with valuable and actionable statistical data to drive insights and profit growth. Practiced at filtering information to find and highlight vital metrics and revelatory findings. Keen support business growth by leveraging intelligence assets to predict and reveal optimal business strategies. Bringing exceptional abilities in business intelligence development, contracts pipeline, award, spend trend, visualisation and technical assessment using top-notch technology. Successful at promotion of company advancements and boosting procurement performance. Integrated information related to many of their most important business activities (like Supply Chain and Business Spend Analysis) bringing in supplier data allowed us to negotiate better discounts or ensure greater service to receive.

Managing the data warehouse, which is centralised and structured repository of information that were collected about our business and maintained over time. Using it, we managed to answer queries about how the business is performing, and discover patterns and trends that lead to increased efficiencies, strong customer satisfaction, or reduced risk exposure. Technically, it\'s a very large dataset that holds information from all of their key systems as well as certain external information that might impact the business processes.
Serial No: 115030
Skills keywords: business strategy, data modelling, data visualisation consultant, r programming, requirments gathering
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Qualification:\r\n- Masters in Information Technology Project & Change Management from Sheffield Hallam University (Sheffield, UK) in 2009\r\n- Masters in Data Management & Communication from Bahria University (Karachi, Pakistan) in 2002\r\n\r\nProfessional certifications attained:\r\n- Prince 2 Practitioner (Axelos)\r\n- ISTQB Certified Foundation Tester (BCS)\r\n- Requirements Engineering (ISEB, BCS)\r\n\r\nSills: \r\nData Modelling / Business Strategy - Visio\r\nData Visualisation using Power BI, R/Python\r\nRequirements Engineering/Elicitation\r\nBusiness Process Re-engineering (BPMN) - SOA Model\r\nGap Analysis\r\nSAP R/3, SAP BI/BW (Business Objects)\r\nSQL / MySQL / Access / SharePoint / Advance Excel

Interests & Hobbies:

- Exploring new ideas of how best data may be presented.\r\n- Watching cricket\r\n- Watching movies in spare time

Previous Employment Details:

- Senior BI Analyst at Transport for London; Dec 2013 - May 2020\r\n- Senior Business Analyst at Lloyds Banking Group; Mar 2010 - Dec 2013\r\n- Business Analyst at Al Rayyan Limited; Dec 2004 - Aug 2007

Current location:  United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: British
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, Transport and Logistics, Banking Insurance and Financial Services
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, Urdu
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
