userskills like '%graphic design%' or userskills like '%personal assistant%' or userskills like '%talent management%' or userskills like '%fashion%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%graphic design%' or userskills like '%personal assistant%' or userskills like '%talent management%' or userskills like '%fashion%') and profile_id<107506 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Seeking work in Fashion and Design sector

I am very motivated and hard working person. I am very sociable due to my career path and I really enjoy working with people.
I really like to learn and undertake new challenges. I am very into Fashion, Design and Technology world. Right now I am building my graphic design portfolio and I am opened for the new opportunities to come.
Serial No: 107506
Skills keywords: fashion, graphic design, personal assistant, talent management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

-Cadastral Engineer degree in Rostov State University of Civil Engineering\r\n-Graphic Design Postgraduate degree in IDEP (Escola Superior damage I Disseny)\r\n-10 years of Experience in Fashion industry as a model and talent agent.\r\n\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

FIFTH management S.L Barcelona 29.01.2020 now employed\r\nMAD Mgmt Barcelona 2018-2019\r\nSIGHT Mgmt Barcelona 2014-2018\r\nMETRO Zurich 2014 now employed\r\nFashion Milan 2015 now employed\r\n

Current location:  Catalunya, Spain - View on map
Nationality: Russian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  media and design, Marketing, IT and Technology
Spoken languages: english, german, russian, spanish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
