userskills like '%auto cadd%' or userskills like '%pro-e%' or userskills like '%catia v5%' or userskills like '%PDMS%' or userskills like '%caesar ii%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%auto cadd%' or userskills like '%pro-e%' or userskills like '%catia v5%' or userskills like '%PDMS%' or userskills like '%caesar ii%') and profile_id<117627 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Searching for work on oil and gas projects

During the time of work I will be Honest, Hard Worker
Serial No: 117627
Skills keywords: auto cadd, caesar ii, catia v5, PDMS, pro-e
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Ms. Dos\r\nMs. Office\r\nAuto CADD\r\nPro-E\r\nCATIA\r\nAdvanced Diploma in Computer Application + JAVA\r\nDiploma in DOT NET\r\nPost Graduate Diploma in Piping CADD (PDMS) + Stress Analysis in Piping CADD (CAESAR-II)\r\nNDT in UT, LT, MT, RT and VT

Interests & Hobbies:

Interests:\r\n1. Willing to work in Abdhabi, Oman, Dubai for Oil and Gas Projects, Construction and Engineering Fields.\r\nHobbies:\r\n1. Watching TV

Previous Employment Details:

I am now currently working as a Junior Engineer-Mechanical in Best Oil and Gas Solutions L.L.C, Oman for 3 years. I have also worked as a Mechanical Engineer in Shah Technical Consultants Pvt.Ltd, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India for the past 2 years and 2 months. I have also worked as a Support Engineer in Electro-Mechanical Enterprises Pvt.Ltd, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India for the past 2 years and 4 months.

Current location:  Massachusetts, United States - View on map
Nationality: India
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Oil, Gas and Energy, Construction, Engineering
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Sourashtra, Tamil
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
