userskills like '%project/program manager%' or userskills like '%plm consultant%' or userskills like '%business change%' or userskills like '%team leadership%' or userskills like '%lean six sigma%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%project/program manager%' or userskills like '%plm consultant%' or userskills like '%business change%' or userskills like '%team leadership%' or userskills like '%lean six sigma%') and profile_id<106838 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Program Manager specialist in PLM & Business change

A delivery focused PLM Program manager who thinks outside the box to successfully deliver business change programs within schedule and cost
Serial No: 106838
Skills keywords: business change, lean six sigma, plm consultant, project/program manager, team leadership
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

CMI Chartered Manager Level 7 \r\nCPD Executive Trainer\r\nLean six sigma Black Belt\r\nBSc CAE Engineering \r\nGDPR\r\nManaging diversity & Multi-cultured workforce\r\nNegotiating & Influencing\r\nDigital & Social networking

Interests & Hobbies:

25 years Personal Trainer & Running Instructor\r\nNLP Practitioner\r\nLife and Mindfulness coach\r\nCross trainer, running, weight training\r\nCharity fund raising

Previous Employment Details:

Working as a consultant at my company The Wright Result Ltd , in a range of industries covering Retail, engineering , Automotive & defence \r\nVariety of roles from Portfolio manager , Program and Project manager for both PLM and IT Business change programmes . From developing the strategy , approach and defining the PMO and governance to leading and managing the team through the life of the program ( scope, design, build, test, train, deployment)\r\nFostering relationships with key stakeholders, business , IT teams and third party suppliers , to successfully deliver the entire program change into the business \r\nAccountable for the control of the budget , schedule and program reporting to the sponsor, Program Director ,C-Level for EVM and benefits delivered

Current location:  United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: British
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, Engineering, General Management
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
