userskills like '%high adaptability%' or userskills like '%great listening skills%' or userskills like '%positive communication skills%' or userskills like '%highly motivated%' or userskills like '%hardworking%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%high adaptability%' or userskills like '%great listening skills%' or userskills like '%positive communication skills%' or userskills like '%highly motivated%' or userskills like '%hardworking%') and profile_id<189702 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Over 5 years experience in Banking

I believe my experience in the banking industry for 5+ years makes me a perfect match for any job position. Transparency and hard work and the ability to carry out any given duty makes me stand out from the rest.
Over the years learning new skills has always been what I crave for. As an IT support officer, I\'ve handled and solved so much problems from different customers within a short while. The joy I bring to the heart of these people after every successful maintenance is what gives me the urge to do more.
Serial No: 189702
Skills keywords: 
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor of Degree in Financial Management Technology. \r\nProfessional Truck Driver. \r\nAdaptability. \r\nCan do it attitude. \r\nFlexible. \r\nAbility to multitask. \r\nHardworking\r\nComputer Literate. \r\nInformation Technology expert

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading \r\n\r\nExercising\r\n\r\nPlaying football\r\n\r\nJogging\r\n\r\nSwimming\r\n\r\nMartial arts\r\n\r\nKeeping fit\r\n\r\nTravelling\r\n\r\nDancing \r\n\r\nLearning new skills. \r\n\r\nPhotography\r\n\r\nAnalysing data \r\n

Previous Employment Details:

Nigeria Shippers Council (2017) BUDGET AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT: \r\nResponsible for the preparation of annual budget and planning of the council. \r\n \r\n10 POINT ZERO (2019) \r\n\r\ninstallation of CCTV. handling and resolving customers issues. \r\n

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Manufacturing and Operations, Transport and Logistics, General Management
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
