userskills like '%business analysis%' or userskills like '%quality assurance%' or userskills like '%ms office package%' or userskills like '%data analysis%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%business analysis%' or userskills like '%quality assurance%' or userskills like '%ms office package%' or userskills like '%data analysis%') and profile_id<154306 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Oracle Functional Consultant seeking work

Enthusiastic and energetic person in working and humble and respective as a person
Serial No: 154306
Skills keywords: business analysis, data analysis, ms office package, quality assurance
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

commercial awareness\r\nconfidence in working with complex data and systems\r\nAn understanding of how IT can be used to resolve problems.\r\nTime management and organizational skills.\r\nProblem-solving skills\r\nExcellent communication and interpersonal skills.\r\nqualified in identifying business requirements \r\nexpertise in the workflow configuration \r\nexpertise in the security configuration \r\nobservation skills \r\nproblem-solving skills \r\npeople skills \r\norganization and time management skills \r\nobjectivity and independence skills\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Playing Online games \r\ngardening\r\ntravel

Previous Employment Details:

I have excellent end-to-end experience in configuration, testing, and deployment in oracle HCM applications from my previous and current companies.\r\nwhere have handled both internal and external client handling experience and implementation strong experience in the cloud system.

Current location:  Eastern Province, Sri Lanka - View on map
Nationality: Srilankan
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, General Management, Banking Insurance and Financial Services
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
