userskills like '%lawyer%' or userskills like '%foreign trade%' or userskills like '%business development%' or userskills like '%new technology%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%lawyer%' or userskills like '%foreign trade%' or userskills like '%business development%' or userskills like '%new technology%') and profile_id<112762 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Law Graduate Seeking Work in London

I am dedicated, motivated and highly committed to all that I put my mind to. I value the importance of continuing learning throughout life and welcome all opportunities to learn and perfect new skills. I am driven to strive for my best, this can be seen in my ability to speak four languages, bringing work experience and the desire to work internationally. I pride myself on execellent communication and work well as a part of a team, to bring the best for the company and to achieve successfully the goals.
Serial No: 112762
Skills keywords: business development, foreign trade, lawyer, new technology
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Over the course of the last five years, I completed my LL.B. During this time I completed a varied range of extension courses. I also completed an Associate Foreign Trade Degree. My native language is Portuguese and I speak English, German and Spanish as complementary languages, which makes me an excellent communicator. My work experience has been predominately gained through the time spent in a law firm, in a freight agency company and also, running my own technology company. I pay exceptional attention to detail and enjoy working as part of a team.

Interests & Hobbies:

My hobbies are guitar playing and sports. I have learned with these two hobbies the importance of focus and to have goals. I am really interested in languages. I have dedicated part of my time to the study of different languages. I have utilised my language skills when travelling in order to learn about different cultures and life outside my own country. All the skills and knowledge that I bring from my hobbies, I believe the skills and discipline will enable me to a successfull position.

Previous Employment Details:

Completed a trainee year in business, corporate and tax law at Salusse Marangoni Advogados from March 2017 to May 2018, whilst undergoing my five year LL.B.\r\n\r\nCompleted six months internship with Action Cargo Freight Agency LTDA from January 2012 to July 2012, whilst undergoing my Associate Degree in Foreign Trade.

Current location:  Brazil - View on map
Nationality: Brazilian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  legal, legal, multilingual
Spoken languages: english, german, portuguese, spanish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
