userskills like '%Learning and Development%' or userskills like '%talent management%' or userskills like '%talent acquisition%' or userskills like '%organisational development%' or userskills like '%organisational change%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%Learning and Development%' or userskills like '%talent management%' or userskills like '%talent acquisition%' or userskills like '%organisational development%' or userskills like '%organisational change%') and profile_id<111707 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Human Resource Manager Seeking work in UK

I am pragmatic, dynamic and innovative when it comes to leading high- profile organisational change and development projects. I am accustomed to improving operational efficiencies through intelligent restructuring and system development initiatives. My strong communication and interpersonal skills allow me to communicate effectively at all levels within an organisation. While I utelise my leadership abilities to motivate and support teams in order to deliver high results. I have high aspirations and utilise all opportunities where I may find them.
Serial No: 111707
Skills keywords: Learning and Development, organisational change, organisational development, talent acquisition, talent management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Skills:\r\nLearning and development\r\nTalent Management \r\nOrganisational Development\r\nChange Management \r\nRestructuring\r\nCommunications\r\nSuccession planning\r\nPeople management\r\nRecruitment\r\nOn-boarding\r\nHuman Resource Management \r\nDepartment Management \r\nQualifications: \r\nCIPD level 7 : Human Resources (In progress) \r\nMCom Industrial Organisational Psychology\r\nBCom Honours Human Resource Management \r\nBCom Human Resource Management \r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

interests:\r\nOrganisational development\r\nEngineering\r\nscience\r\nBusiness\r\nEconomics\r\nHistory\r\nSocial behaviour and psychology.\r\ncomputers and artificial intelligence\r\nHobbies:\r\nReading\r\nGym\r\nRunning\r\ncooking\r\nWine making

Previous Employment Details:

Human resources manager (February 2020 - present)\r\nManaging all staff within the organisation, while at the same time developing large scale organisational development and change initiatives. Designing and implementing succession plans, while utilising talent management to ensure effective placement.\r\nIndustrial Organisational Psychology Intern (February 2019- February 2020).\r\nResponsible for managing all labour relations and organisational development functions. improving staff progression and career fluidity within the organisation. facilitating the recruitment, staff selection and on-boaring for the organisation. \r\nLecturing assistant (July 2017- December 2018)\r\nfacilitation of learning within the classroom. Designing and implementing dynamic workshops to improve student performance. Guiding students through various computer literacy modules. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Gauteng, South Africa - View on map
Nationality: South Africa
Preferred Sector of Employment:  HR and Recruitment, education and training, General Management
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
