userskills like '%international tax%' or userskills like '%team management skills%' or userskills like '%tax management%' or userskills like '%mergers and acquisitions%' or userskills like '%ip systems%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%international tax%' or userskills like '%team management skills%' or userskills like '%tax management%' or userskills like '%mergers and acquisitions%' or userskills like '%ip systems%') and profile_id<105497 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Head of Tax, Financial Director

Serial No: 105497
Skills keywords: international tax, ip systems, mergers and acquisitions, tax management, team management skills
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Tax accounting\r\nInternational taxation\r\nTax audits

Previous Employment Details:

Oct 2017 - June 2019 - Companies of DOM.RF Group, acting Chief accountant / Tax and Finance director.\r\nStart-up Creation a federal developer. Set up of all internal tax and finance procedures.\r\nJuly 2010 - October 2017 - Halliburton International GmbH, Senior International Tax Manager / Head of Tax department for CIS and Central Europe. \r\nControl of all tax matters in CIS and Central Europe: tax audits, transfer pricing, CBCR, management of an international tax team.\r\nJanuary 2005 - June 2009 - KPMG, Tax manager.\r\nConsulting of clients from various industries, M&A projects, IPO support.

Current location:  Moscow, Russia - View on map
Nationality: Russian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, IT and Technology, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english, russian
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
