userskills like '%marketing management%' or userskills like '%marketing research%' or userskills like '%communication and marketing%' or userskills like '%brand management%' or userskills like '%category marketing%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%marketing management%' or userskills like '%marketing research%' or userskills like '%communication and marketing%' or userskills like '%brand management%' or userskills like '%category marketing%') and profile_id<115886 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Graduate with experience looking for marketing job

I\'ve been graduated not only with diploma with honors but also with relevant experience in the biggest FMCG company - Unilever, where my tasks were the same as the junior manager position as there was none. I\'ve launched big brands to new market and lead the project of bundles and sales of another brand. I am responsible, task-oriented and good in communications with people, also I have analytical thinking and non-standard mindset which helps me to find new profitable solutions.
Serial No: 115886
Skills keywords: brand management, category marketing, communication and marketing, marketing management, marketing research
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Marketing strategy\r\nContract negotiation\r\nCommunication with marketing agencies\r\nPresentation skills (design&presentation)\r\nCategory Management\r\nSPSS, SQL, good profecience in Excel \r\nAnalytical Thinking\r\nresponsibility\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

-Languages (currrently learning Dutch)\r\n-Cooking&eating (like to taste something new)\r\n-Sport: mainly gym but also yoga classes (helps me to het energy after hard days)\r\n-Cosmetics&Makeup (know which ingredients the cream should have and which not)

Previous Employment Details:

1. Unilever (-07/2018-12/2018, 08/2019-03/2020)\r\nInternational Marketing Intern.\r\nI was leading the team on the bundles project and another big project was the launch of Vaseline and Simple brands via Instagram.\r\n2. Higher School of Economics (09/2019-12/2019)\r\nProfessor\\\\\\\'s assistant\r\nTests check and exam organisation (I\\\\\\\'ve made it digital and prof is now doing the same)\r\n3. Host Broadcast Services (12/2017-07/2018)\r\nInforation Assistant\r\nWorked on conferences, final draw and championship as an assistant for journalists

Current location:  Vlaanderen, Belgium - View on map
Nationality: Russian Federation
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Marketing, Sales, General Management
Spoken languages: Dutch-basic, english, French medium, russian
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
