userskills like '%iso 22000%' or userskills like '%haccp%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%iso 22000%' or userskills like '%haccp%') and profile_id<116848 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Food Safety Professional

As a food safety professional with 5+ years of expertise in Nutrition, Food Safety and Quality Assurance, I’m confident that I have the knowledge and skill set to allow me to contribute towards the success of your team. Additionally, my proven experience in training, coaching and supervising teams positions me to make a significant and positive impact on your organisation.
Serial No: 116848
Skills keywords: haccp, iso 22000
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

ISO 22000 Internal Auditior \r\nHACCP Certified

Interests & Hobbies:


Previous Employment Details:

Implementation of food safety management system.\r\nFood safety training.\r\nInternal audits.\r\nCoaching.

Current location:  دبي, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: India
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Hotel and Catering
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
