userskills like '%sas statistical modelling%' or userskills like '%SAS%' or userskills like '%sql database%' or userskills like '%mysql%' or userskills like '%sql programming%' or userskills like '%machine learning%' or userskills like '%big data%' or userskills like '%project management%' or userskills like '%econometrics%' or userskills like '%financial skills%' or userskills like '%business analyst%' or userskills like '%information technoogy skills%' or userskills like '%building information modelling%' or userskills like '%data modelling%' or userskills like '%statistical analysis%' or userskills like '%statistical modelling%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%sas statistical modelling%' or userskills like '%SAS%' or userskills like '%sql database%' or userskills like '%mysql%' or userskills like '%sql programming%' or userskills like '%machine learning%' or userskills like '%big data%' or userskills like '%project management%' or userskills like '%econometrics%' or userskills like '%financial skills%' or userskills like '%business analyst%' or userskills like '%information technoogy skills%' or userskills like '%building information modelling%' or userskills like '%data modelling%' or userskills like '%statistical analysis%' or userskills like '%statistical modelling%') and profile_id<42496 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Statistician Targeting South East Asia And Europe

Serial No: 42496
Skills keywords: big data, building information modelling, business analyst, data modelling, econometrics, financial skills, information technoogy skills, machine learning, mysql, project management, sas statistical modelling, sql database, sql programming, statistical analysis, statistical modelling
Current location:  England, United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: French
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Banking Insurance and Financial Services, Marketing, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere

Work Experience

August 2014- Jun 2015
Self employee (August to january) Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
State employee (january to june) Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Delivering an accurate view of the justice state’s activity

▪ Data extraction from the production systems to the statistical system

▪ Data integrity analysis

▪ Annual reports production

▪ Statistics diffusion (via PC Axis)

▪ Managing data exchange between courts and statistical offices (national and internationals)

▪ Answering international survey as part of national justice evaluation (FATF-GAFI, OCDE, ONU, BASEL II …)

▪ Data bases updates and maintenance ( ORACLE/ SQL/MySQL)

▪ Team member of Luxembourg’s delegation during international meetings ( FATF-GAFI ) to conceive new, relevant and common statistical indicators between countries


Jun 2012- August 2014
PMO / Statistician (Junior Expert)
Emprou Sàrl, Fentange (Luxembourg)

Building a statistical system for the courts of Luxembourg:

▪ Evaluating stakeholder’s needs (mainly via interviews and brainstormings)

▪ Harmonizing concepts and best practices between courts

▪ Exploring systems and data bases for evaluation

▪ Evaluating options, prioritizing needs and defining system requirements

▪ Conception and design data integration

▪ Building data bases ( SQL / MySQL )

▪ Writing Functional Acceptance Criteria and test cases

▪ Defining statistical indices for correctional and criminal courts

▪ Defining standard tables for the annual report


March 2011- March 2012
Consultant in custody
Cleastream services, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

▪ Testing from end to end the whole custody system.

▪ Writing Functional Acceptance Criteria and test cases,

▪ Authorize and verify payments,

▪ Checking if payments are executed on settlement date,

▪ Making settlements on client’s accounts,

▪ Sending notifications (MT 564) to clients,

▪ Creation of new events via incoming depository messages (MT 565),

▪ Check if messages are processed correctly

▪ Making clients instructions via COL (creation on line app),

▪ Checking if swift messages sent are SMPG compliant,

▪ Reconciliation of messages,

▪ Creating/checking compensations.

▪ This task requires good knowledge of the custody rules and norms to identify source of errors.


Jan.-July 2009
Internship in statistic service
Regional Direction of Environment, Planning and Housing, Toulouse (France)

▪ Data Mining.

▪ Define econometric models to demonstrate the government policies’ impact on the real estate market


Education and Training

Expected in Summer 2016
Master Degree in Econometrics and Statistics (with specialisation in Spatial Statistics)
Toulouse School of Economics (France), E-Learning

BSC financial economics
City University, London (UK)

Bachelor’s in econometrics
Université de Toulouse (France)

Two-year university degree in Management and Economics
Université d’Aix-Marseille III (France)


Personal Skills

Mother tongue(s) French

Other language(s) Understanding Speaking Writing

Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

Levels: A1/2: Basic user – B1/2: Independent user – C1/2 Proficient user

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills ▪ Written expression and oral presentations in both French and English

▪ Good communication skills gained through my travels, my studies (many presentations done) and my current position (many meetings)


Job-related skills

▪ Knowledge of statistic techniques

▪ Good understanding of data modelling (mainly through my studies and an intership)

▪ Good understanding of upstream statistical system (acquired in my current position)


Computer skills

▪ Microsoft Office™ tools

▪ Statistics packages (SAS, R, Eviews) knowledge acquired during my studies

▪ PC Axis for the statistic diffusion


Other skills

▪ ISEB Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis

▪ Investment Administration Qualification (Introduction to Securities & Investment Unit)

▪ Project And Program Support Office Foundation Certificate

▪ Prince 2 Foundation Certificate



