userskills like '%sales and marketing%' or userskills like '%sales team leadership%' or userskills like '%english language%' or userskills like '%driving license%' or userskills like '%client/team management%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%sales and marketing%' or userskills like '%sales team leadership%' or userskills like '%english language%' or userskills like '%driving license%' or userskills like '%client/team management%') and profile_id<39409 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Sales And Marketing Professional Wishing To Remain In Spain

Serial No: 39409
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  Catalunya, Spain - View on map
Nationality: Spanish
Preferred Sector of Employment:  , Marketing
Spoken languages: english, spanish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere

Education & Qualifications

• 2012- Degree, Business Management Studies. School of Business and Economics, University of Barcelona

• 2008-2012: Graduated in Business Studies. School of Business and Economics, University of Barcelona



• Fluent in English, having achieved the First Certificate in English

• Bilingual Catalan – Spanish


Professional Experience

• Dates: 2015-
Ocupation: Product manager in megastore FC. Barcelona ( Barça main store in Barcelona) customer service in printing zone.


• Dates: 2015-
Occupation: Sales support in Let’s Bonus company, taking part the offers in Italy and France.


• Dates: 2014
Occupation: Extracurricular European internship at the Professional Association of Carpenters in Barcelona. Marketing department: import and export of products, attract new clients.


• Dates: 2013
Occupation: PET FOOD Company. Duties: performing administrative functions, managing sales team and administrative assistants in the sales department.


• Dates: Driver 2014-2015
Occupation: Madza Nobel Prize 2015 , Barcelona

Occupation: Audi Awards 2015, Barcelona.

Occupation: Private driver in Barcelona at Tennis Tournament Compte Godó

Occupation: Private driver in Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress (WMC).


• Dates: Summer 2012 to 2014
Occupation: Management of reservations, and ordered the night shift at the bar – restaurant Jorba.


• Dates: 2009 – 2014
Occupation: Coordinator of the youth community project called Ludomòbil organized by the Government of Catalonia. Team leader of a group of ten monitors.

Occupation: coordinator of extracurricular activities ( coaches ) centers and school canteens



Additional Qualifications

• Driving license B and the specific BTP

• Availability of car and motorbike

• Title of monitor and director of leisure for children and teenagers (awarded by the Government of Catalonia)

• Course: creation and management of organizations (50 hours)

• Course: management of staff and volunteers (50 hours)

• A goal oriented, well with communication and organizational experience. Fluent in three languages. Quick learner with ability to grasp new ideas

