Nov 2013- Nov 2015
Data Manager,UN-FAO-GCCA Project implemented by The Hunger Project (U) in Kiboga
I was responsible for collecting and entering data from 52 farm field schools in Kiboga district into the organization database for analysis purposes. I was also involved in managing data in the M&E department. To this end, I created regional office databases using MS ACESS and fully in regular data quality audit, assessment and reporting. .
Besides the project work, I supported other departments in The Hunger Project such as; Microfinance and Food security in data collection, analysis, report writing and dissemination of results/findings.
I Performed Routine data processing and entry and assist in both quantitative and qualitative analysis & preparation of draft M&E reports that will allow for an enhanced output analysis in all 9 districts of The Hunger Project Uganda
I Conducted Routine Field Monitoring of Project interventions and take lead in the design of data collection tools to track Project progress
I trained community mobilizers and beneficiaries on Community Response Mechanism (CRM), and in dissemination of M&E/HA monthly reports to communities and document community feedback for project management decision making in all districts The Hunger Project operated.
I took lead in documentation of best practices, lessons learnt, assessment reports
September 2015
Supervisor, Mbale Outcome Evaluation September 2015 by The Hunger Project, Uganda
I supervised 10 Research Assistants during the data collection of this study where we interviewed 500 respondents in Mbale district. I also trained Research Assistants on how to use electronic devices (tablets, phones) to collect data. I was part of the team that auditing data collect daily for consistence and accuracy, transferred data from the phone gadgets into the iformbuilder web platform for data analysis.
July 2015
Data Analyst Consultant, Baseline study on Scale up of Ecological Organic Farming Practice’s, Mpigi District, by PROMETRA Uganda Chapter
I participated in data collection, data entry analysis and report writing during a baseline survey conducted by PROMETRA Uganda, a NGO. This report was disseminated during a stakeholders meeting that included the district leadership of Mpigi.
January 2015
Researcher, HIV Client Satisfaction Survey in Gombe, Soroti and Kampala District by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Uganda Cares.
I was part of the team that conducted exit interviews, observation and time in motion studies for AHF Uganda Cares in 3 districts. I was able to collect accurate and reliable data from the clients that were used to compile the client satisfaction survey report.
June 2014
M&E Rational Database Designer,AMPCAAN Chapter,PROMETRA Uganda
I designed M&E Rational database management systems for the mentioned NGOs. I used SQL programming language and RDMS application (oracle and Access) to design database with an objective of improving data management of the different projects and easy data tracking. This helped the above NGOs to improve reporting and accountability to their funders since data for different years was all managed in a central system.
March 2014
Statistical Assistant, Kiboga Outcome Evaluation2014, The Hunger Project Uganda.
I supervised Research Assistants, trained them on how to conduct the interviews using electronic devices and the focus group discussions. We interviewed 400 respondents’ and also participated in analysis of collected data and report writing which was published at website.
June 2013
Statistical Assistant,Kihurura Outcome Evaluation 2013,The Hunger Project Uganda
I supervised Research Assistants, trained them on how to conduct the interviews using electronic devices and the focus group discussions. We interviewed 300 respondents’ and also participated in analysis of collected data and report writing which was published at website.
May 2012-June 2013
Research Assistant, Improving livelihoods of fishermen in Uganda survey, Lake Kyoga by National Fisheries Research Resource Institute(NaFIRRI),Jinja
I participated in data collection on fishermen through questionnaire interview, focus group discussion, and key informant interview. This study was based on lake kyoga i.e. that data was collected on different landing sites around lake kyoga i.e. Buyende district, Kabelamaido district, Bugerere district. I was responsible data cleaning and entry into the designed data management system.
Strength. I have strong interest in social-economic and clinical research and have a strong affinity with different databases and a list of statistical software’s. In addition to this, I have excellent communication skills both written and oral. I can work with a team and also have the ability to work unsupervised.
Education & Training
Bachelor of science of Quantitative Economics 2010-2013
Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, MakerereUniversity, Kampala, Uganda
▪ Majoring in Statistics,Economics,Monitoring and Evaluation
Global health certificate in Data quality and M&E fundamentals (eLearning) with USAID and John Hopkins Bloomberg school of public health-2012
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education 2008-2009
▪ Lakeside College,Luzira,Kampala
▪ Majors in mathematics, Economics, geography and entrepreneur.
Uganda Certificate of Education 2004-2007
▪ Hilton High School, Mukono, Uganda
IT Skills
Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools,SPSS,STATA,Epiinfo,Epidata,DataFax
I have also helped a list of Masters, bachelors and PHD students on their research projects.
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