userskills like '%customer service expert%' or userskills like '%conflict resolution%' or userskills like '%(Process improvement) (Project management) (Operational logistics management) ( Supply chain solutions) ( Project based logistics) ( Warehousing & storage) (Marketing Cost reduction) ( Internation%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%customer service expert%' or userskills like '%conflict resolution%' or userskills like '%(Process improvement) (Project management) (Operational logistics management) ( Supply chain solutions) ( Project based logistics) ( Warehousing & storage) (Marketing Cost reduction) ( Internation%') and profile_id<110505 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Customer Service Executive seeking work in Oman

My proven ability to optimize the efficiency of customer services, my certification in Supply Chain Logistics and Operations, along with my superior problem solving skills and prioritizing talents will contribute immensely to the company success.
Serial No: 110505
Skills keywords: (Process improvement) (Project management) (Operational logistics management) ( Supply chain solutions) ( Project based logistics) ( Warehousing & storage) (Marketing Cost reduction) ( Internation, conflict resolution, customer service expert
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Customer Service, Supply Chain Operations, Supply Chain Logistics

Interests & Hobbies:

Photography, and Videography

Previous Employment Details:

Oman Air - Transom\r\nCustomer Service Executive \r\nMarch 2007 to April 2020\r\n\r\nMiascor Groundhandling Corporations \r\nPassenge Service Agent\r\nApril 2005 - February 2007\r\n\r\nAthena eServices Corporations \r\nDocument Analyst \r\nNovember 2003 - September 2004

Current location:  Muscat Governorate, Oman - View on map
Nationality: Filipino
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Transport and Logistics, customer service, Retail Wholesale and Purchasing
Spoken languages: english, Tagalog
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
