userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%software engineer plc%' or userskills like '%leadership skills%' or userskills like '%maintenance electrical engineer%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%software engineer plc%' or userskills like '%leadership skills%' or userskills like '%maintenance electrical engineer%') and profile_id<151089 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Control room operator seeking work in UK

with more than 7 years of experiences in a different industrial engineering fields (Control room operator, electrical engineer) with perform skills (analysis, leadership, monitoring, and good communication skills) which should make me a strong candidate for any open position .
I\'m capable, flexible and willing myself to work in any conditions.
Serial No: 151089
Skills keywords: analysis / analytical, leadership skills, maintenance electrical engineer, software engineer plc
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Analysis\r\ngood Comunication\r\nElectrical engineer\r\nAutocad\r\nElectrical design\r\nOrganization

Interests & Hobbies:

keeping fit \r\nReading\r\nCamping

Previous Employment Details:

Algerian Qatari Steel, Control Room Operator (Current job, from September 2019 till now), follow up the process of melting of different steel grades where we use (Scrap, cold DRI, Hot DRI ). I had a global process training by DANIELI AUTOMATION, andalsi assistein the start-up of two (02) Electrical Arc Furnace of 160 Ton.\r\nBrick Factory, Automation Engineer, from January 2019 to September 2019, Assistance of the strat-up of the Brick factory with training in software PLC by CERATEC ELECTRONICS, where we determine all electrical and mechanical issues before restore the automation working as much as possible.\r\nAsphalt Unit, Industrial development automation engineer, from august 2015 to january 2019, Develop specifications of all machines, robotics, computer , hydraulics and even mechanical diagnostics

Current location:  Constantine Province, Algeria - View on map
Nationality: algerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Engineering, Manufacturing and Operations, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
