userskills like '%Teamcenter developer%' or userskills like '%teamcenter support%' or userskills like '%c/c++%' or userskills like '%java developer%' or userskills like ''Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%Teamcenter developer%' or userskills like '%teamcenter support%' or userskills like '%c/c++%' or userskills like '%java developer%' or userskills like '') and profile_id<109364 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Teamcenter Solution Architect

I have around 15+ years of experience in PLM/Teamcenter domain. And since last 8-9 years I had been working in Sweden. Around 4 years for VCC (Volvo Cars Corporation), 2 years for CEVT (China Euro Vehicle Technology), around 1 year for H&M customer and around 1 year worked for GKN Aerospace (started assignment in January 2019).
My industry experience includes Automotive, Aerospace, and some industrial processes. My earlier experience revolved around Teamcenter customizations/development projects, while my later experience focuses on solution/architect design of Teamcenter and related CAD applications.
Serial No: 109364
Skills keywords: c/c++,, java developer, Teamcenter developer, teamcenter support
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Teamcenter consultant with 15+ years of experience.

Interests & Hobbies:

International rated chess player,\r\n\r\nMy other hobbies includes photography, table tennis and recently started learning martial arts.

Previous Employment Details:

I have worked for customers like Ford, Volkswagen, Toshiba Power Plant, Volvo Cars, CEVT, H&M, GKN etc.

Current location:  Sweden - View on map
Nationality: Sweden
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, Engineering
Spoken languages: basic Swedish, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
