userskills like '%supply chain management%' or userskills like '%logistics management%' or userskills like '%procurement management%' or userskills like '%erp(sap)%' or userskills like '%orcale%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%supply chain management%' or userskills like '%logistics management%' or userskills like '%procurement management%' or userskills like '%erp(sap)%' or userskills like '%orcale%') and profile_id<114811 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Supply Chain Management

I have handled two RTA projects simultaneously. My work ethics dont come into question and im a strong headed and can work without supervision.
Serial No: 114811
Skills keywords: erp(sap), logistics management, orcale, procurement management, supply chain management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

I have done Bachelors (Hons) Telecommunication with Business Management. Im good with time management and getting the best out of people. Im goal oriented, a stong negotiator and a problem solver.

Interests & Hobbies:

I like sports (playing and watching). Movies, video games and travelling are on the list too.

Previous Employment Details:

Sr Supply Chain Executive (Sept 2018 - )\r\nSite Office Admin (Oct 2016 - Sept 2018)

Current location:  Dubai, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: Pakistani
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Transport and Logistics, General Management, Manufacturing and Operations
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, punjabi, Urdu
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
