userskills like '%specialist surgeon%' or userskills like '%breast surgeon%' or userskills like '%colorectal surgeon%' or userskills like '%general surgeon%' or userskills like '%thyroid surgeon%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%specialist surgeon%' or userskills like '%breast surgeon%' or userskills like '%colorectal surgeon%' or userskills like '%general surgeon%' or userskills like '%thyroid surgeon%') and profile_id<108392 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Specialist General Surgeon (Assoc Professor and FEBS)

I am a western-educated, well trained specialist general surgeon with international clinic and academic experience as an Associate Professor with DHA Eligibility Letter (No:53840907) who is currently working at Health Sciences University Izmir Education and Research Hospital in Turkey.

And now, I am looking for an appropriate position as a SPECIALIST GENERAL SURGEON with DHA ELIGIBILITY LETTER (DHA REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE NO: 53840907)
Serial No: 108392
Skills keywords: breast surgeon, colorectal surgeon, general surgeon, specialist surgeon, thyroid surgeon
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

- F.E.B.S./ MIS European Board Certified Minimal Invasive Surgeon (Robotic, Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy), Sevilla, SPAIN\r\n- USMLE Clinical Skills (+), Chicago,U.S.A.\r\n- SAGES International Member, California, U.S.A.\r\n- Associate Professor of General Surgery, Turkey\r\n- Clinical Educator and Trainer of The General Surgery Residency Program at Health Sciences University Izmir Education and Research Hospital, Turkey

Interests & Hobbies:

PADI Scuba Diving International Instructor (#645699)\r\nADF Pleasue Craft International Operator (#200310501)

Previous Employment Details:

Jan 2016-current : Health Sciences University Izmir Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey\r\nJune-Dec 2015: Dokuz Eylul University Hospital, Izmir, Turkey\r\n2014-2015 : Health Sciences University Derince Education and Research Hospital, Kocaeli, Turkey\r\nJune 2010-2013: Near East University Hospital, CYPRUS\r\nSep 2012 : CLEVELAND CLINIC, General Surgery, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.\r\n2009-2010: Obligatory Military Duty as a Specialist General Surgeon, Turkey\r\n2008-2009: Florence Nightingale Hospital, Organ Transplant Unit, Istanbul, Turkey\r\n2001-2006 : Residency Program of General Surgery Speciality in Health Sciences University Kartal Education and Research Hospital\r\nJune 2004-June 2005: SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, General Surgery Department, MO, U.S.A.\r\n\r\nUSMLE Clinical Skills: 2005, Chicago, U.S.A.\r\nSAGES International Member, 2012, California, U.S.A.\r\nF.E.B.S./MIS : 2019 Sevilla, SPAIN\r\n\r\nEducator and Trainer of The General Surgery Residency Program: jan 2016\r\nAssociate Professor of General Surgery : Sep 2015

Current location:  Turkey - View on map
Nationality: Turkish
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing
Spoken languages: english, Turkish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
