• Experience with C#, WebApplications, Web Services, WCF, Entity Framework,\r\nLINQ, Asp.NET, MVC, WindowForms.\r\n• Experience with MS SQL Server Management Studio, Profiler, Transact SQL,\r\nStored Procedures, cursors and triggers.\r\n• Reporting Service, Crystal Report.\r\n• CSS y Javascript (jQuery).\r\n• Experience with Team Foundation Server.\r\n• Experience with agile development (Scrum).\r\n• Experience with n-layers Programming.\r\n• Experience working remotely.\r\n• Experience WPF y MVVM.
Proyect Leader, Organización Italcambio C.A.\r\nBarquisimeto, Venezuela April—2009-Present.\r\nPlanning, Development and Application Control for Italbank International, Inc. Puerto Rico (Appications for transfers, accounting and treasury)\r\nPlanning, Development and Control of applications for Italcambio Casa de Cambio C. A (Applications Italdocumento and Italregistro, destined to the digitization of files including photos, footprints and signatures.) Venezuela and Panama.\r\n\r\nProgrammer Analyst , Fondo Intergubernamental para la Descentralización (FIDES) , \r\nCaracas, Venezuela — January 2007-April 2009.\r\nAnalysis, design and development of applications within the process of migration to open source software according to decree 3390. Venezuela.\r\n\r\nProgrammer Analyst , Organización Italcambio C.A.\r\nCaracas, Venezuela —April 2006-January 2007.\r\nAnalysis, design, development and maintenance of applications for Italbursátil Casa de Bolsa C.A and Italcambio Casa de Cambio C.A (Appications for treasury, accounting, checkout and ticket office) Venezuela.
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