userskills like '%senior php developer%' or userskills like '%it support/ networking%' or userskills like '%it support engineer%' or userskills like '%web developer%' or userskills like '%network administrator%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%senior php developer%' or userskills like '%it support/ networking%' or userskills like '%it support engineer%' or userskills like '%web developer%' or userskills like '%network administrator%') and profile_id<130688 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Software Developer seeking to work in the UK

Working in the IT sector for the last 10 years in Nigeria has exposed me to a range of IT areas including managing operations and security at the IT department of my previous employment. It has also exposed me to other IT sectors such as the billing administrative environment of the company as a whole, from IP engineering, network administrator to backend technical solution providers.
In my working history, I have always strived for innovation and constant growth, and since we live in a world where it appears that we have the answer to everything, and the majority of the populace is comfortable with it, I always fight to be an exception. I believe that my passion and experience gathered so far in the vast IT field will be the foundation I need to break new grounds in the future.
Given the ever-increasing technological breakthrough we see in everyday life, I am fascinated to see what the future holds. What I enjoy most in computing is the challenge involved in problem-solving in every new task and I cannot wait to take my already gathered experience to a new height whilst learning and improving more on myself.
Serial No: 130688
Skills keywords: it support engineer, it support/ networking, network administrator, senior php developer, web developer
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:


Interests & Hobbies:

Research\r\nWriting a program

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, customer service, Engineering
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
