userskills like '%social worker%' or userskills like '%healthcare assistant%' or userskills like '%public health%' or userskills like '%social care%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%social worker%' or userskills like '%healthcare assistant%' or userskills like '%public health%' or userskills like '%social care%') and profile_id<154616 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Social care worker seeking work in the United Kingdom

I am passionate about my chosen career field because the principles and values of social work connect with my own values.I wholeheartedly believe in the good of everyone,and I feel that social work allows me to connect with, mentor and help others achieve their goals.I also want to use the experiences I get from my work to make a change in the life of others.
Serial No: 154616
Skills keywords: healthcare assistant, public health, social care, social worker
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

GCE ADVANCED LEVEL \r\n\r\nSUBJECTS\r\nBIOLOGY-C\r\nPHYSICS -B\r\nMATHEMATICS -B\r\nFURTHER MATHEMATICS -C\r\n\r\nGCE ORDINARY LEVEL \r\n\r\nSUBJECTS \r\nECONOMICS-B\r\nBIOLOGY -B\r\nENGLISH-B\r\nFRENCH-C\r\nMATHEMATICS-B\r\nADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS-A\r\nRELIGIOUS STUDIES-C\r\n\r\nI\'m really good at relating people and making them feel very comfortable.I think its important to earn a patient\'s trust and that\'s something I feel I do very well.Becoming a social care worker means that not only are you making a difference in the lifes of people you support directly,but you are supporting a better quality of future for all.I really can make a difference now more than ever.\r\n\r\nSkills\r\nHighly motivated \r\nResourceful \r\nGood communication\r\nAdaptable

Interests & Hobbies:

Health care\r\nReading \r\nFitness

Previous Employment Details:

Been a health care leader in my secondary school days and it has really helped me boost my skills and background knowledge in the healthcare sector. As I usually help students out with mental disabilities, Body malfunctions and illness.Which has increased my passion ,desire and interest in helping children, aged men and women with disabilities and other challenges they may come across relating to their health.

Current location:  Littoral, Cameroon - View on map
Nationality: CAMEROON
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing, Pharmaceutical and Science, education and training
Spoken languages: english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
