userskills like '%civil engineer%' or userskills like '%civil construction%' or userskills like '%civil & infrastructure%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%civil engineer%' or userskills like '%civil construction%' or userskills like '%civil & infrastructure%') and profile_id<100393 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Site Engineer seeking work in Switzerland

Serial No: 100393
Skills keywords: civil & infrastructure, civil construction, civil engineer
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Civil Works\r\nPavement Surfacing \r\nRoad construction (from start to end)\r\nRoad Hydraulics Works\r\nTunnel Works\r\nBridge construction\r\nEarthworks (Embankments ,Cuts, Terramesh system , Gabion walls etc)

Previous Employment Details:

1. Assistant Project Manager - Copri-Aktor, Segment 1 of Motorway Tirane-Elbasan, Albania\r\n2. Site Engineer - Copri-Aktor, Segment 3 of Motorway Tirane-Elbasan, Albania\r\n3. Site Engineer - Aktor, Krraba Tunnels, Albania

Current location:  Tirana County, Albania - View on map
Nationality: Greek
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Construction, Engineering
Spoken languages: Albanian, english, Greek
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
