userskills like '%electrical%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%electrical%') and profile_id<147088 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Service Manager (Electrical Engineer by profession)

Over the years I have acquired relevant skills and experience which I shall bring and share to your organization, I have also worked tirelessly on my communications abilities and teamwork skills which i will put to use in my future career which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position.
Serial No: 147088
Skills keywords: electrical
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Overhauling of Separator and Decanter (centrifuge machine)\r\nCommissioning of whole process equipment (Flottweg and GEA Separator)\r\nElectrical and Mechanical knowledgeable.\r\nMechanical servicing of MAN B&W Generator and JPSauer Compressor\r\nBuilding wiring\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

International and Domestic travel\r\nPlaying an instrument (guitar)\r\nPlaying basketballs\r\nPlaying outdoors\r\nFishing\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

Service Manager (Flottweg Machine in Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia)\r\n-Commissioning, start up of the Flottweg machine in the Philippines\r\n-Servicing of Flottweg machine such as Separator, Decanters, Tricanter and other machines with the scope of supply of Flottweg.\r\n-Troubleshooting of Machine failure such as alarms, electrical and mechanical side.\r\n-Submission of service reports and commissioning reports after the we render service.\r\n\r\nService Engineer (GEA Westfalia Separator Philippines- Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand)\r\n-Assisting the service personnel in Singapore principal office\r\n-Commissioning and start up of the GEA Westfalia machines \r\n-Servicing of GEA Westfalia machine such as Separator, Decanters and other equipment within the scope of supply of GEA westfalia)\r\n-Troubleshooting of Machine failure such as alarms, electrical and mechanical side.\r\n-Submission of service reports and commissioning reports after every servicing activities.\r\n\r\nGenerator Shift Engineer\r\n-Maintaining the smooth operation of 3-1Mega watt Bunker/Diesel MAN B&W Medium speed 4 stroke generator\r\n-Monitoring all the important parameters of Generator such as pressure, temperature.\r\n-Execute scheduled maintenance of Generator such as, cylinder head, valve seat clearance measurement, Fuel injector calibration, fuel pump cleaning, Lub oil and heavy fuel oil separator cleaning and maintenance, turbo charger cleaning, Fuel split type filer cleaning, JP sauer piston type compressor maintenance,charge air cooler maintenance, Lub oil cooler maintenance.\r\n-report making every end of the month.\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Central Luzon, Philippines - View on map
Nationality: FILIPINO
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Oil, Gas and Energy, Manufacturing and Operations, Engineering
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
