userskills like '%english teacher%' or userskills like '%events management%' or userskills like '%interior designer%' or userskills like '%fashion stylist%' or userskills like '%communications managemen%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%english teacher%' or userskills like '%events management%' or userskills like '%interior designer%' or userskills like '%fashion stylist%' or userskills like '%communications managemen%') and profile_id<114607 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

seeking work in Saudi Arabia

I believe I have the capacity and ability to do my task very well with less supervision. I am passionate, determined and well motivated when it comes to work within my field of expertise.
Serial No: 114607
Skills keywords: communications managemen, english teacher, events management, fashion stylist, interior designer
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

- Has strong Organizational skills\r\n- Keen on details when it comes to style and design\r\n- Has positive attitude and strong work ethics a motivated to learn and grow within a firm\r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Design, Decorations, Marketing, Reading books, Watching relevant vlogs and blogs.

Previous Employment Details:

1. Business Development Associate - My B Sketch and Print ( March 2020 - August 2020 )\r\nTechnically, I am the one responsible on how to market some of our products and do the styling of events\r\n2. Events Stylist - Zina Events ( June 2016 - March 2020 )\r\nBasically, I am responsible for the style and design of the events along with my co-workers.\r\n3. English Teacher ( June 2008 - March 2016 )\r\nNormally, I teach English as a Second Language to pupils. I used to teach grammar rules. I was assigned also to teach MUSIC and ART classes.\r\n

Current location:  Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia - View on map
Nationality: Filipino
Preferred Sector of Employment:  media and design, education and training, Retail Wholesale and Purchasing
Spoken languages: english, spanish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
