userskills like '%computer hardware%' or userskills like '%web design%' or userskills like '%dairy farming%' or userskills like '%poultry farm worker%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%computer hardware%' or userskills like '%web design%' or userskills like '%dairy farming%' or userskills like '%poultry farm worker%') and profile_id<154449 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Seeking work in Australia and United Kingdom

I have different qualifications , I have worked at different fields and gained lot of experience, am versatile , hard working , adaptable, i pretty confident i can work anywhere
Serial No: 154449
Skills keywords: computer hardware, dairy farming, poultry farm worker, web design
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Certificate in web design\r\nCertificate in computer hardware and software \r\nPoultry farmer

Interests & Hobbies:

Sports\r\nReading \r\nResearch

Previous Employment Details:

Njie 360 IT solutions\r\nWorked as IT specialist , repair computer hardware and software s and also installing and fixing laptop problem for companies. \r\n\r\nNovaposhta ukraine\r\nI was studying computer science in Ukraine , while studying worked part time at a logistics company , role was packing and unpacking goods, reading invoice and executing the command given. \r\n\r\nKombo poultry \r\nWorked a s a poultry farmer , role was to manage and coordinate through supervisory personnel, hatchery activities, egg pick up, vaccination and shipping of chicks

Current location:  West Coast Region, The Gambia - View on map
Nationality: Gambian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Transport and Logistics, IT and Technology, Hotel and Catering
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
