userskills like '%chemical process engineer%' or userskills like '%management skills%' or userskills like '%pharmaceutical manufacturing%' or userskills like '%nanotechnology%' or userskills like '%biotechnologist%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%chemical process engineer%' or userskills like '%management skills%' or userskills like '%pharmaceutical manufacturing%' or userskills like '%nanotechnology%' or userskills like '%biotechnologist%') and profile_id<109008 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Scientist researcher in chemistry and nanotechnology

my training and my professional experiences allowed me to benefict from varied training, this versatility also allowed me to enrich my knowledge and developed my carreer. you will find attached CV wich will give you all the necessary information on my background and skills, I am at your disposabl for any further infomation
Serial No: 109008
Skills keywords: biotechnologist, chemical process engineer, management skills, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical manufacturing
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

process engineer\r\nmicrofabricaton in clean room\r\nscoentiste researcher\r\nmanagement system quality\r\nelectrochemisrty\r\nbiotechnology\r\nchemical analyst\r\nwet chemisrty\r\npharmaceutical industry\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:


Previous Employment Details:

2018-2020: Development of biosensors for detction of bacteira responsible for nosocomial infections at center for develompent of advanced technology in Algeria\r\n2016-2018: Implementation of functionalization protcol for biosensing of microsystem of bacteria and dopamine by electrcochemistry at the institute of electronic and microelectronics and nanotechnology (IEMN), group Nanobiointerfaces, university of lille in France.\r\n2015-2016: Development of and microfabricaion of electrochemical biosensors in clean romm MEMENTO technology center of FEMTO.ST on collaboration with nanomedcine lab at Besançon univesity in France

Current location:  Wilaya d\'Alger, Algeria - View on map
Nationality: Algeria
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Pharmaceutical and Science, Engineering, education and training
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, frensh
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
