Currently a post-doctoral researcher in National Council of Research Italy\r\nPhD in clinical, medical and experimental sciences, University of Verona\r\n6 peer reviewed publications\r\n5+ years of research experience and experience in writing
•Junior Research Fellow – Manipal Life Sciences Centre, Manipal University, India \r\n(Jan 2011 – Dec 2012)\r\nWorked on a research project titled \"Discovering the bio-efficacy of Morinda citrifolia (Noni)”, which concentrated on identifying anti-tumor, chemopreventive and DNA repair properties from the Noni fruit extracts. \r\n\r\n•Intern – Novartis Healthcare, Pvt. Ltd. \r\n(Sep 2010 – Nov 2010)\r\nThree month internship in Integrated Analytics and Reporting under the IHC-IID (Integrated hospital care-immunology and infectious diseases at Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad which included various trainings to understand and learn the process of drug development at the industrial level \r\n
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