\r\nSkills \r\nDuring the years I have gained abilities during different jobs . Some of them are as following :\r\nAdaptable.\r\nself motivated.\r\nhigh achieving.\r\nquickly.\r\nhardworking nature.\r\n\r\nQualification \r\nDriving license B\r\nGrade A2 Manufacturing\r\nEtc
I have many hobbies and interst but I will mention some of them starting as following\r\nReading different books specially english books about history\r\nCooking \r\nPlaying football\r\nFilms \r\nEtc
Candy fabric - Confectioners mix, shape and cook chocalates, toffees and other sweets and llollies.Undertake many of individual steps in the procces of cooking and creating confectionery such as weighting and mixing ingredients, combing, dissolving or boiling them.\r\n\r\nProductive operative manufacturing - prepare workstation at the start of proccesing. Handle frozen/chilled fish/seafood proccesing types of equipment with various including proccesing, storing and packing product. Cleaning and maintaining tools and equipment and ensuring displays and signage are accurate ant attractive. Inspect dhe product quality. Scaling, skinning. Load and unload truck . Etc
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