userskills like '%production manager / engineer%' or userskills like '%production/process flows%' or userskills like '%quality assurance%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%production manager / engineer%' or userskills like '%production/process flows%' or userskills like '%quality assurance%') and profile_id<112580 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

production manager seeking to work in oman

I have diverse experience of over 15 years in production . i have relevant skills in juice and milk processing and packaging/
Serial No: 112580
Skills keywords: production manager / engineer, production/process flows, quality assurance
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

EXPERIENCE IN\r\nmilk production \r\njuice processing and packaging\r\ndrinking water bottling\r\nsoft drinks bottling\r\ntea leaves processing and packaging\r\nhands on technical experience

Interests & Hobbies:


Previous Employment Details:

production manager indomie ltd oct 2018-date\r\nproduction manager bio foods ltd march 2016-sept 2018\r\nproduction coordinator coca cola bottlers ltd april 2009-feb 2016

Current location:  Mombasa County, Kenya - View on map
Nationality: kenyan
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Manufacturing and Operations, Manufacturing and Operations
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
