Enhance Sustainability, Improve Supplier Relationships, Participate in Global Market, Decision Making, Team Communication, Active Listening, Customer Service, Computer Skills
Football, Travelling, Cooking, Listening to music
Service & Project Coordinator\r\nNixa Technology, Dec 2019 to present\r\nHandle customer complaints, assign the appropriate engineer and solve the case. \r\n\r\nProcurement Specialist\r\nGeekz IT LLC, April \'19 - Nov \'19\r\nHandling Purchase requisition for a defense client based in UAE. Find the right supplier based on the specifications given and close the deal.\r\n\r\nProcurement Specialist\r\nArabQ Trading Est Aug \'17 - Dec \'18 \r\nHandling purchase of electrical, mechanical consumables for construction and industrial clients. Used to source packing materials in bbulk quantity from China and Greece as per the client specifications.
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