userskills like '%ba philosophy graduate%' or userskills like '%ethics%' or userskills like '%geography degree%' or userskills like '%politics%' or userskills like '%policy formation%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%ba philosophy graduate%' or userskills like '%ethics%' or userskills like '%geography degree%' or userskills like '%politics%' or userskills like '%policy formation%') and profile_id<117604 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10


In addition to my seven years of administrative experience, i am a trained ethicist and a critical thinker, meaning i posses analytical skill and a strong problem solving ability. i have all geographic skills as well as a trained student of politics, which means i can advise on governance and policy issues
Serial No: 117604
Skills keywords: ba philosophy graduate, ethics, geography degree, policy formation, politics
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree, majoring Philosophy and Applied Ethics, Minors Geography and political Studies

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading\r\nSocializing\r\nPuzzle solving\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

Administrative officer for Procurement, with the Government of Namibia, in the health industry for a period of 7 years.

Current location:  Khomas Region, Namibia - View on map
Nationality: Namibian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  other, Medical and Nursing, education and training
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english, Otjiherero
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
