userskills like '%tour guide%' or userskills like '%business managerment%' or userskills like '%good communication skills%' or userskills like '%attentive%' or userskills like '%discipline and determination%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%tour guide%' or userskills like '%business managerment%' or userskills like '%good communication skills%' or userskills like '%attentive%' or userskills like '%discipline and determination%') and profile_id<109173 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Personal Assistant cum Administration Manager

My experience in Managerial and Administration decides me to move forward in a global and unique ventures that could grow further and exceptional. At present i am active in a row of Business development and contracting (overseas and local agents). Since my profile is in line of method and business i raise a strong point in office management and business and professional correspondence, leading a team, communication and work independently and under pressure.
Serial No: 109173
Skills keywords: attentive, business managerment, discipline and determination, good communication skills, tour guide
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Computer Literate\r\nWriting Business Correspondence\r\nAttention details and determination\r\nCommunication and work under pressure\r\nTime management skills\r\nMarketing\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Sports, Travel, Food and Reading articles.

Previous Employment Details:

Business Development and Contracting Manager\r\nMiles Travel and Tours International FZE LLC\r\nMarch 2013 to current post\r\n\r\nFIT and Group Executive\r\nArabian Nights Tours Dubai LLC\r\nDec. 2005 - Feb 2013\r\n\r\nReservation Executive cum Receptionist\r\nPalm Beach Hotel\r\nAug 2004 - Dec. 2005

Current location:  Sharjah, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: Flipino
Preferred Sector of Employment:  General Management, Manufacturing and Operations, Hotel and Catering
Spoken languages: english, Tagalog
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
