Scrum Master\r\nPrince II\r\nTEFL\r\nWorking experience with Spanish Military, Eurpopean Union, UK goverment\r\n\r\n\r\n
Reading all sorts\r\nSurf \r\nSkiing \r\nSoft gym\r\nFlowers\r\nCulture and Arts\r\nTeenage behavioural research\r\n
Consular Officer (FCO) - special Brexit PM until 7/19 in Spain, Malaga (British Embassy).\r\nRoyal Dutch Shell - agency placement as PA to three IT Directors until 10/19\r\nIDEXX BV - Sr EA position until Feb 19. 2019. As part of my 90 day review I took the opportunity to state that the international travel involved with the position was more than initially described. IDEXX and I signed a mutual agreement.
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