userskills like '%excellent communication skills%' or userskills like '%effective team leader%' or userskills like '%good interpersonal skills%' or userskills like '%time management skills%' or userskills like '%good problem solving%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%excellent communication skills%' or userskills like '%effective team leader%' or userskills like '%good interpersonal skills%' or userskills like '%time management skills%' or userskills like '%good problem solving%') and profile_id<157039 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Overseas Registered Nurse seeking work in the Uk

I am a licensed nurse and I have numerous skills such as active listening and effective communication, team player, interpersonal relationship, ability to work under pressure, willing to learn, good leadership and delegation skills, attention to details, multitasking skills which I believe is useful for the position, I also have several years of experience in adult nursing, emergency department, care of elderly, children and mother which I gained during school training, post qualification and life experience that is suitable for the role of registered nurse. I believe this position will help me develop my core competencies and skills require to achieve my long term goal of becoming a UKRN and saving lives. I am also certain I will be an excellent addition to the team because I am passionate and committed to adding value by applying clinical and critical thinking skills to bring about innovative means of ensuring better patient outcomes.
Serial No: 157039
Skills keywords: effective team leader, excellent communication skills, good interpersonal skills, good problem solving, time management skills
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

BSc Nursing \r\nProfessional Training and Certifiction:\r\nBasic Life Support\r\nBuilding Mental Health Resilience\r\nBed Rail Safety\r\nDemential level 1\r\nCore Communication\r\nUnderstanding yourrole\r\nConflict Resolution and Complaints Handling\r\nAnaphylaxis Management\r\nHow to plan clinical audit\r\nSafeguarding Adult\r\nDignity in Care\r\nEquality and Diversity\r\nFirst Aid\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

-Caring for people especially vulnerable adults\r\n- Putting smile on people\'s face\r\n- Engaging in outdoor activities such as swimming, jogging\r\n- Making research and interested in professional development\r\n-

Previous Employment Details:

Registered Nurse in Alpha Grace Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria - (Medical, Surgical, Theatre, Accident and Emergency, Outpatient Departments )(December 2020 - present)\r\n\r\nSenior Registered Nurse in Cavesbury Hospital & Healthcare - (Obsteric &Gynaecology, Peadiatric unit, Recovery room, Medical and Surgical Departments) (January 2020 - December 2020)\r\n\r\nPrivate Client(Home Care Nurse) in Nigeria Homecare Assistant (August 2019 - December 2019)\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigeria
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing
Spoken languages: english, french, Yoruba
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
