userskills like '%office management/administration%' or userskills like '%operations management%' or userskills like '%logisitics%' or userskills like '%inventory control%' or userskills like '%customer management%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%office management/administration%' or userskills like '%operations management%' or userskills like '%logisitics%' or userskills like '%inventory control%' or userskills like '%customer management%') and profile_id<116670 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Operations & Admin Manager

With more than 12years of experience in the field of administration and logistics, I am adept in administrative and financial oversight, team building and revenue generation. Moreover, while my on-the-job experience has offered me a well-rounded skill set, including first rate analytical and problem solving abilities. I am proficient at meeting or exceeding benchmarks and delivering exceptional results which I believe that it would contribute to your ongoing growth and sucess of your team.
Serial No: 116670
Skills keywords: customer management, inventory control, logisitics, office management/administration, operations management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Staff Leadership & Training, Import & Exports Customs Processes, Quality CControl, Business Development, Policy Improvement, Customer Relation Management, Contract Negotiations, Staff Management, Operational Strategies, Inventory Management.

Interests & Hobbies:

Professional Interest - New Process Improvement Methods, Design & Marketing Processes.

Previous Employment Details:

Stadlers Trading Co LLC (Operations Manager) - Overlooking daily operations, logistics & distribution activities and incharge of the entire office and staff while reporting to the Director.\r\nFortes Transport & Limousine Services LLC (Manager - Sales & Operations)- Managing event projects and scheluding all staf roster, administration & daily office operations.\r\nSelf Employed (Freelance Event Organizer) - Organizing event casts/artists, sites for production units for local events/film production teams.\r\nNorton Communications & SLN Wholesale Outlet (Manager) - Overseeing daily strategies for business improvement and communication for increasing sales.\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Sharjah, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  General Management, Admin and Clerical, Transport and Logistics
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Konkani, portuguese
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
