userskills like '%refinery/petrochemical%' or userskills like '%mechanical maintenance%' or userskills like '%supervisor%' or userskills like '%rotating/static equipment%' or userskills like '%coordination%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%refinery/petrochemical%' or userskills like '%mechanical maintenance%' or userskills like '%supervisor%' or userskills like '%rotating/static equipment%' or userskills like '%coordination%') and profile_id<122095 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer, UK employment

Dedicated, focused with experience in the Industrial and factory environment. Hands-on years of experience in overseeing, coordinating, and participating in daily site maintenance operations. Leading teams, and chairing toolbox meetings. Organized with prioritizing skills and a can-do attitude. Consistently sharpening my technical skills, maintenance expertise, and problem-solving abilities which I hope will be a great fit for this opportunity.
Serial No: 122095
Skills keywords: coordination, mechanical maintenance, refinery/petrochemical, rotating/static equipment, supervisor
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

- Master\'s Degree: Computer Engineering, Computer and Media Science program\r\n\r\n- Bachelor\'s Degree: Mechanical System Engineering\r\n\r\n- Sendagaya Japanese Language School: Higher education preparation Program

Interests & Hobbies:

Soccer, Table tennis, Hiking, VR games, Socializing, traveling.

Previous Employment Details:

- Site Supervisor in the petrochemical industry. Supervised worker\'s maintenance activities on site whilst ensuring safety measures are implemented. Issued work permissions and reported to senior staffs member and created reports.\r\n\r\n- Production Engineer in the automobile industry. By using AutoCAD Viewer software(Space Vision) I planned the production process of the body by categorizing the designer\'s data. Defining welding spot, machines. Ensuring the data meet the production requirements.

Current location:  Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia - View on map
Nationality: Saudi
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Oil, Gas and Energy, Manufacturing and Operations, Engineering
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, Japanese
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
