userskills like '%marketing management%' or userskills like '%sales management%' or userskills like '%international business development%' or userskills like '%market research%' or userskills like '%significant leadership skills%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%marketing management%' or userskills like '%sales management%' or userskills like '%international business development%' or userskills like '%market research%' or userskills like '%significant leadership skills%') and profile_id<108640 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Marketing & Sales Executive seeks employment

Your company could benefit from my extensive and multi-disciplined range of experience in the several marketing disciplines; market planning, strategy, development & execution, sales & business development, marketing communications & promotion.
I am a proven creative problem solver and team motivator who is very results oriented.
Teams under my responsibility perform in an atmosphere of confidence that I instill via a \"hands-on managerial and mentoring\" approach.
Finally, I perform best in a competitive and dynamic market environment.
Serial No: 108640
Skills keywords: international business development, market research, marketing management, sales management, significant leadership skills
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

BBS from European Business School London, England.\r\nMicrosoft Office proficient\r\nSeveral Languages\r\nCultural awareness, appreciation and sensitivity\r\nStrategic thinker\r\nCreative Problem Solver

Interests & Hobbies:

My hobbies are creative writing, reading and studying music, while my interests vary from history, the culinary arts to global environment issues.

Previous Employment Details:

I. (2007-Present) G.M. Brand Integrity Auditors (BIA) - Jordan and the Middle East. Created and managed a successful hotel mystery shopper company operating in 5 countries, serving top tier hospitality brands; Marriott, Four Seasons, IHG, Wyndham, Moevenpick and others. Co-managed multinational teams of hotel auditors and market managers; developed new business in foreign markets; employed CRM strategies and maintained client relationships over extended durations (5+ yrs.); designed and delivered client driven service solutions created for \"standard\" and \"special case\" hotel auditing scenarios, under renewable annual contracts.\r\n\r\nII. (2005-2006) HOD Executive Manager Nestle Waters Jordan.\r\nComplete managerial responsibility and accountability for the Jordanian 5-gallon bottled water market; sales, distribution, business development, international reporting. Our team grew sales volume by a record 22% and achieved a 31% increase in revenues over the previous year; designed and executed new promotional initiatives and empowered the distribution force to assist with business development.\r\n\r\nIII. (2004-2005) Managing Partner at Harris Interactive Research, Jordan. Built and managed a new market research agency in Amman, Jordan under the internationally recognized Harris brand of the USA. Won and executed significant research contracts in both the private sector - Orange Jordan Telecom & Mercedes Benz, and public sector NGO\'s sponsored by USAID, as well as the Royal Hashemite Court.

Current location:  Amman Governorate, Jordan - View on map
Nationality: American
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Marketing, Sales, General Management
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, french, german, russian, spanich
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
