userskills like '%communication and marketing%' or userskills like '%modern trade%' or userskills like '%FMCG%' or userskills like '%content creation%' or userskills like '%branding%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%communication and marketing%' or userskills like '%modern trade%' or userskills like '%FMCG%' or userskills like '%content creation%' or userskills like '%branding%') and profile_id<107338 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Marketing & Communications/ Modern Trade Manager

An energetic and pragmatic professional with a decade of experience
in marketing, communications and modern trade, accompanied by
excellent capacities in content creation, operations, and business strategy
Serial No: 107338
Skills keywords: branding, communication and marketing, content creation, FMCG, modern trade
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

M.B.,B.S (Ygn), Mini MBA (Berlin) & other Professional Certifications

Previous Employment Details:

General Manager, Pyi Thit Catering & Corporate Canteen Group (2015-Present)\r\nGeneral Manager, MPM, Rocket Internet SE (2013-2015)\r\nBrand Manager, GNC Live Well (USA) (2012-2013)

Current location:  Yangon Region, Myanmar (Burma) - View on map
Nationality: Myanmar
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Marketing, General Management, media and design
Spoken languages: Burmese, english, mandarin
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
