skills in mechanical design and maintenance tasks.\r\ninstalling and performing diagnostic tests on mechanical system.\r\ndeep knowledge on marine management.\r\nknowledge in survival techniques and safety responsibilities.\r\noil spill response.\r\nstrong familiarization with engineering systems such as propulsion system, bilge and fire systems, HVAC system.\r\nworking knowledge on fuel injectors, pumps, steams and other related machineries.\r\nskills in engine overhauls , maintenance and service.\r\nparts replacements.\r\nshipbuilding and navigation systems.\r\nnaval architecture.
I spend most of my free time doing research on the latest trends in maritime industry, decarbonization, carbon footprint and clean energy.\r\nI enjoy attending conferences as it is a good platform for networking.\r\nTravelling and fitness are my other areas of interest.
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