userskills like '%good coomunication skill%' or userskills like '%internet explorer%' or userskills like '%good management%' or userskills like '%hard worker%' or userskills like '%polite%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%good coomunication skill%' or userskills like '%internet explorer%' or userskills like '%good management%' or userskills like '%hard worker%' or userskills like '%polite%') and profile_id<108627 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Management and Counselling Expert in the Medical Sector

I have good Management, Counselling, & Communication
skills also Hard worker & very good learner which makes me
confident to do job in open position.
Serial No: 108627
Skills keywords: good coomunication skill, good management, hard worker, internet explorer, polite
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

I have completed my graduation in Mathmatics. After graduation i have stastarted job in Bangladesh Capital Market i am very good financial \r\nanalysing. I have workded in Forex market too. Than i started working \r\nin medical sector. I am very good in Management, Counselling & Communicating.

Interests & Hobbies:

Playing Crickets, Movies, Reading Articals, Financial Analysis

Previous Employment Details:

As a managing director i have to hold many responsibilities in overseeing \r\nthe well functioning the medical facility, icluding satffing, financing,\r\npolicymaking & Patient care.

Current location:  Chittagong Division, Bangladesh - View on map
Nationality: Bangali
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Banking Insurance and Financial Services, customer service, Travel and Tourism
Spoken languages: Bangali, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
