userskills like '%nursing%' or userskills like '%healthcare IT specialist%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%nursing%' or userskills like '%healthcare IT specialist%') and profile_id<171916 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

M.Sc. Nursing

Nursing professional holding a Master\'s degree in Nursing with a specialization in Critical care nursing with 4 Years experience in the Nursing field and 6 Years in Health care IT as Senior Implementation Consultant. With a broad knowledge of both Nursing and Health care IT willing to work in any related role.
Serial No: 171916
Skills keywords: healthcare IT specialist, nursing
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Master In Nursing specializing in Medical-surgical(Critical care) Nursing\r\n4+ Years experience in Hospitals in various nursing responsibilities ranging from Senior staff nurse (Registered nurse) to Clinical educator, diabetes educator, and diabetes educator role.\r\nSenior Implementation Consultant in Health care IT

Interests & Hobbies:

Keen to learn a new language and challenging work. Carrom player. Interested in trekking and exploring new areas. Participated in college-level indoor and outdoor games and won a few awards. \r\nColumbia Asia Hospital won Employee of the Year award in 2015

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Current location:  Karnataka, India - View on map
Nationality: indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, Medical and Nursing
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, KANNADA, Malayalam, Tamil
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
